
Dr. Lance Larson

It is our promise to provide the most trusted suite of identity theft prevention and victim recovery and response products available! You and your family's privacy and protection is my #1 priority!

Identity theft has become a crime of epidemic proportions. Over the last five years, this crime has impacted millions of Americans.

PrivacyMaxx's ID Early Warning System is a proprietary early detection and warning system which aggregates and monitors billions of identity records helping alert you to possible identity theft in progress!

This invaluable system complements our already vast array of identity prevention and response products, in addition to our identity education center, criminal identity checks, dark web breach monitoring, and other valuable services.

We are certain you will be satisfied with our services. Feel free to contact myself or any member of our staff if we can be of any assistance to you or your family.

Stay Safe,

Dr. Lance Larson
Chief Security Officer
Privacy and Security Expert
PrivacyMaxx, LLC